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It’s Playoff Time


Time to get super focused and ready to compete. A combo of good nerves and excitement! With playoff time upon us, it’s important to remember that in order to play better, clearer and give it your all, you gotta enjoy the process, trust the process and have fun!

You know this, your team knows this, we all know this….(well,the smart people do anyways😉!)

If your team is working hard and having fun, you will play well.

If you’re not putting in the work and not having fun, you won’t.

Sometimes athletes allow outward negativity to derail their focus, motivation and confidence. Sometimes they feel pressured and discouraged by others. This is the time to get over that and not allow outside things to break your focus.


What’s even worse is when it’s YOU, the player, becoming your own worst enemy by being a perfectionist and overthinking every.single.thing. When this happens, the game stops being fun and your performance takes a major hit.

Athletes can experience self defeat in any sport but, for today, let’s use baseball as an example.

Baseball is a unique game and definitely not for the weak minded athlete. It’s a game that boosts your ego in one inning and kills it in the next. Mental toughness is a must in baseball. Bouncing back is imperative. But so is enjoying the experience.

When you make enjoying the present moment a priority by:

* Taking in your environment (look around and have gratitude for the field, the camaraderie of your team, the feel of the bat in your hand, etc)

* Building your teammates up/Getting the energy up in the dugout.

* Realizing that this game is a privilege; that not everyone has and it takes a lot of work to play……That’s when things really come into perspective.

Listen….one day it will be your last day competing on the field, court, course.

No matter how long you play, you’ll eventually have to “hang up your cleats” and it will be a tough day for sure. All those great games you played will be a sweet memory.

Keeping this in mind will allow you to not fall victim to short term thinking.

Every day is a new chance to be a better athlete, teammate,ballplayer, person. One day at a time/one game at a time/one play at a time….it’s:

A new chance to help the team win.

A new chance to pump your team up.

A new chance to be a leader.

A chance to make more fun memories. (Just today my son, who is a senior, and his teammates all dyed their hair blonde and had a blast together for playoffs ! So fun! )


When you  enjoy every moment, time slows down.

When time slows down, the game slows down.

When the game slows down, your thoughts slow down and you play better, clearer and easier.

Tune out the negativity and turn on the confidence.

Good luck to all of the teams in playoffs, play harder, work harder but most of all……ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MOMENT!

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